Thursday, May 28, 2009

Now What?

Hello!!! A lot has been going on so it's been awhile! We got a little kitten! We couldn't decide on a name so she gets called all sorts of things! Wes' grandma Ashcraft got sick and about 2 months later passed away. Then a week later we had to put Odee (our cat we've had for 3 years)to sleep! And I didn't see Wes shed a tear through either of these times! He's an emotional Rock! I could learn a thing or two from him! I was telling my neice about Odee going to live with Heavenly Father and she piped up "hey! my dog saber went to live with Heavenly Father too! Maybe they play with each other there!" Those of you who know me know I'm emotionally unstable! So my little neice had me in tears! Oh how innocent yet how smart little children are! Oh I got to watch my neices for two days in a row and we had a blast! We went to play with our cousins in the park,for HOURS, both days. The first day when we got home they were out for over 2 hours! The next day I was not so lucky! But I did trick them into the house for popcicles! After all this I'm excited to see what else the summer can bring!

Awe the beautiful sights!

Awe the beautiful sights!
we saw so many trees and rocks and gorgious sunsets! And we both just loved the sulfur smell! Not really!

And the Wild life!

And the Wild life!
We mostly saw buffalo-and this one was bound and determined to stay on the road! Although i'm not sure if he knew where he was headed!

St. George 2009

St. George 2009
Pretty little ladies all in a row! Well most of us anyways(Alana is behind the camera!)
