Monday, November 17, 2008

Crazy Sunday!

Yesterday was the primary program at church. And I'm the pianist! The rehersal the day before was crazy to say the least! And I got asked to play at a "preparing for priesthood" meeting that would be later the same day! Luckily they both went over very well. The children were much better with their parents there. And at the young mens meeting the singing was amazing!(people were singing all parts! s.a.t.b.!!! i was impressed!)My crazy sunday turned out not crazy at all!


Jessica said...

I didn't know you played piano in the primary! Doesn't it make you want to cry when all those sweet little kids sing their little hearts out for their parents? I love it when men sing too!

The Wright Family said...

Hey Heather, I came across your blog, hope you don't think I am creepy!! You guys did so great on the primary program, I know how stressful they are so I can feel your pain! You are such a great pianist I am very surprised that you were nervous, you did great!

The Johnson's said...

Thank-you so much for all you do. The program turned out so well- and you always do a great job. I saw a link on your blog from Melissa's and I just had to tell you thanks

Awe the beautiful sights!

Awe the beautiful sights!
we saw so many trees and rocks and gorgious sunsets! And we both just loved the sulfur smell! Not really!

And the Wild life!

And the Wild life!
We mostly saw buffalo-and this one was bound and determined to stay on the road! Although i'm not sure if he knew where he was headed!

St. George 2009

St. George 2009
Pretty little ladies all in a row! Well most of us anyways(Alana is behind the camera!)
