Monday, December 15, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

A lot has been happening so I haven't really had time to sit and write about it. Wes' grmpa got sick the week of Thanksgiving. He died the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We went to Vernal for the funeral; which made it another short work week for the both of us! Then there were a few normal days before our fridge quit working! So off to Sears we go. New fridge in place and final get rid of the old one! Sorry if any of you had to see the old one sitting outside for a couple of days! Wasn't that classy?! Then my lil' sister Megan finally had her baby a few days ago! Now Wes is sick and sleeping a lot and I'm bored out of my mind! Although I have had time to read and I am happy to say I only have about 30 pages left of the Twilight series!So hopefully now life will get back to normal!

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Awe the beautiful sights!

Awe the beautiful sights!
we saw so many trees and rocks and gorgious sunsets! And we both just loved the sulfur smell! Not really!

And the Wild life!

And the Wild life!
We mostly saw buffalo-and this one was bound and determined to stay on the road! Although i'm not sure if he knew where he was headed!

St. George 2009

St. George 2009
Pretty little ladies all in a row! Well most of us anyways(Alana is behind the camera!)
