Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nite Out!

So tuesday Wes took of from work early to go to the doc. Since I knew he was getting home early I wanted to do something fun that nite instead of just doing the same old, same old. So, as soon as he walked in the door I say hey lets go fishin'. He says it's REALLY HOT out there! Then seriously about 2 mins later he yells back to me ok get ready! So we went out to McTucker Ponds and he totally kicked butt! He got about 10 fish were as I only got 3! What the?! Oh well, it was still a fun nite out!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This last week we decided to go on a 3 day weekend to Island Park. As we were packing friday morning Wes asked me to wash whites so he'd have enough underwear for the weekend. Well I started a load and a while later Wes came downstairs & we found out that our washer had peetered out! Well he rushed the clothes to a laudramat while I worked the morning away. Needless to say we just got it fixed yesterday(tuesday) and hopefully it stays working!Well we had a blast over the weekend, we fished in the Island Park Res. and Henry's Lake. In a little aluminum boat those big boats just about had us turned upside down when they'd come flying by us with a tube or skier behind them at mach 10! Oh and I saw two deer in the forest on our outdoor adventures! I told Wes-"hey i saw a doe!, a deer!" Then he chimes in with "a female deer?!" It was a bun first camping trip of the year!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reunions Already!!!

This past weekend Wes,Jolene(his mom), and I went to Salt Lake for a family reunion. It was fun to see his cousins, aunts, uncles, and grma. We only see them once maybe twice a year so it was nice. We shopped,got rained on, and Wes struggled to get the door to the hotel room to work(only to find out it didn't work for the manager either!) that was a hoot! Oh did I mention that it rained? Constantly! I packed thinking it would be warm. And I feel like a kid the day before we left I signed up to do summer reading! How much of a nerd am I?! I know!

Monday, April 12, 2010

How long has it been?

So I can"t even remember the last time I updated you all! How bad is that? The weather is warming up so we have been out waiting for the lakes and res. to melt so we can go fishing! Let's see what brother left for his mission to the Belem Brazil Mission in January. We spent Valentines weekend in SLC! That was a blast! Wes got to go to Cabelas and I got to go to Ikea, it was the best idea we could come up with that we both would enjoy. I got pink hair!!! I know I'm a nerd and a kid at heart! We are going to see Wes' grma in Vernal Utah here in a while and hopefully it will be nice so we can go fishing! Also they have this place that has the best beef sandwiches EVER! I will have to get the pics off the camera and on to the computer so you can see what all we've been up to. Oh yeah, Megs( my sister) had her baby Feb. 11th, Colt J. Fields how cute is that?! Sorry but that is all I can remember off of the top of my head. OH I think that everyone should watch the T.V. show parenthood on Tues. nite and let me know if you love it like I do?!

Awe the beautiful sights!

Awe the beautiful sights!
we saw so many trees and rocks and gorgious sunsets! And we both just loved the sulfur smell! Not really!

And the Wild life!

And the Wild life!
We mostly saw buffalo-and this one was bound and determined to stay on the road! Although i'm not sure if he knew where he was headed!

St. George 2009

St. George 2009
Pretty little ladies all in a row! Well most of us anyways(Alana is behind the camera!)
